The Producer, Sri Aurobindo Society is an international not-for-profit NGO. It was founded in 1960 by the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry, “to make known to the members and people in general the aims and ideals of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, their system of Integral Yoga, and to work for its fulfilment in all possible ways and for the attainment of a spiritual society as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo.”

The Society strives for a new world order based on spirituality, and has the following specific objectives:
The integral growth and perfection of the individual and the establishment of an environment conducive for this.
Social transformation through the dynamic application of spirituality in all fields of human endeavour, at both the individual and the collective levels.
A united and awakened India.
The realisation of human unity in a harmonious and organised diversity, where each nation will become conscious of its true genius and offer its best for the whole of humanity.
Its main areas of activities include education, health, management, rural development, sustainable development, Indian culture, youth, women, media, arts and communication, business and economic development, science and technology. The Society holds regular camps, workshops and seminars on various topics related to these focus areas, besides reaching out to people through its publications in the form of books, audio-visuals and through magazines, blogs and e-journals.
The Society has been recognized by the Government of India as a Charitable Organisation, as a Research Institute, and as an Institution of Importance throughout India. It enjoys special tax benefits under the Indian Income Tax Act
Head Office
The Society’s main Administrative Office is at Puducherry. It has members, branches and centres in all parts of India and several abroad.
Sri Aurobindo Society
Society House
No. 11, St. Martin Street
Puducherry - 605 001, India
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